Load balancing clustering on moodle LMS to overcome performance issue of e-learning system

Mujiono Sadikin, Raka Yusuf, Arif Rifai D.


In dealing with the rapid growth of digitalization, the e-learning system has become a mandatory component of any Higher Education (HE) to serve academic processes requests. Along with the increasing number of users, the need for service availability and capabilities of eLearning are increasing day by day. The organization should always look for strategies to keep the eLearning always able to meet these demands. This report presents the implementation of Load Balancing Clustering (LBC) mechanism applied to Moodle LMS in an HE Institution to deal with the poor performance issues. By utilizing existing tools such as HAProxy and keepalived, the implemented LBC configuration delivers a qualified e-learning system performance. Both qualitative and quantitative parameters convince better performance than before. In four months of the operation there is no user complaint received. Meanwhile, in the current semester has been running for two months, the up-time is 99.8 % of 52.685 minutes operational time.


e-learning; HAProxy; high-availability; higher education; keepalived; LBC; learning management system; LMS; load balance clustering; moodle;

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DOI: http://doi.org/10.12928/telkomnika.v17i1.10284


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