TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control) ISSN: 1693-6930, e-ISSN: 2302-9293 is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD). The aim of this journal is to publish high-quality articles dedicated to all aspects of the latest outstanding developments in the field of electrical & electronics engineering and computer science. Its scope encompasses the applications of Telecommunication, Computing, Electrical & Electronics, and Instrumentation & Control. It was first published in 2003. TELKOMNIKA started its publication as a bimonthly journal, releasing 6 issues per year, starting from issue 1 of volume 16 in 2018. The journal registered in the CrossRef system with Digital Object Identifier (DOI) prefix 10.12928.
Authors should submit only papers that have been carefully proofread and polished. Manuscripts are accepted with the understanding that they are an original or extended version of previously published papers in conferences and/or journals, and that, if the work received an official sponsorship, it has been duly released for open publication. Before submitting, please ensure that you prepare your paper using the journal paper template. For the writing format and style, the authors should consult the TELKOMNIKA Journal, which they can download and use as a template for their initial manuscript submission in either DOCX or LATEX format. This will ensure fast processing and publication. We will not process any papers that do not meet the requirements outlined in the author guidelines. If you have any problems with the online submission, please send an email to telkomnika [at] (subject: Your Name: Problem with Online Submission) and cc: telkomnika [at]
All Issues:
- 2025: Vol. 23 No. 1, Vol. 23 No. 2, Vol. 23 No. 3, Vol. 23 No. 4, Vol. 23 No. 5, Vol. 23 No. 6
- 2024: Vol. 22 No. 1, Vol. 22 No. 2, Vol. 22 No. 3, Vol. 22 No. 4, Vol. 22 No. 5, Vol. 22 No. 6
- 2023: Vol. 21 No. 1, Vol. 21 No. 2, Vol. 21 No. 3, Vol. 21 No. 4, Vol. 21 No. 5, Vol. 21 No. 6
- 2022: Vol. 20 No. 1, Vol. 20 No. 2, Vol. 20 No. 3, Vol. 20 No. 4, Vol. 20 No. 5, Vol. 20 No. 6
- 2021: Vol. 19 No. 1, Vol. 19 No. 2, Vol. 19 No. 3, Vol. 19 No. 4, Vol. 19 No. 5, Vol. 19 No. 6
- 2020: Vol. 18 No. 1, Vol. 18 No. 2, Vol. 18 No. 3, Vol. 18 No. 4, Vol. 18 No. 5, Vol. 18 No. 6
- 2019: Vol. 17 No. 1, Vol. 17 No. 2, Vol. 17 No. 3, Vol. 17 No. 4, Vol. 17 No. 5, Vol. 17 No. 6
- 2018: Vol. 16 No. 1, Vol. 16 No. 2, Vol. 16 No. 3, Vol. 16 No. 4, Vol. 16 No. 5, Vol. 16 No. 6
- 2017: Vol. 15 No. 1, Vol. 15 No. 2, Vol. 15 No. 3, Vol. 15 No. 4
- 2016: Vol. 14 No. 1, Vol. 14 No. 2, Vol. 14 No. 3, Vol. 14 No. 4
- 2015: Vol. 13 No. 1, Vol. 13 No. 2, Vol. 13 No. 3, Vol. 13 No. 4
- 2014: Vol. 12 No. 1, Vol. 12 No. 2, Vol. 12 No. 3, Vol. 12 No. 4
- 2013: Vol. 11 No. 1, Vol. 11 No. 2, Vol. 11 No. 3, Vol. 11 No. 4
- 2012: Vol. 10 No. 1, Vol. 10 No. 2, Vol. 10 No. 3, Vol. 10 No. 4
- 2011: Vol. 9 No. 1, Vol. 9 No. 2, Vol. 9 No. 3
- 2010: Vol. 8 No. 1, Vol. 8 No. 2, Vol. 8 No. 3
- 2009: Vol. 7 No. 1, Vol. 7 No. 2, Vol. 7 No. 3
- 2008: Vol. 6 No. 1, Vol. 6 No. 2, Vol. 6 No. 3
- 2007: Vol. 5 No. 1, Vol. 5 No. 2, Vol. 5 No. 3
- 2006: Vol. 4 No. 1, Vol. 4 No. 2, Vol. 4 No. 3
- 2005: Vol. 3 No. 1, Vol. 3 No. 2, Vol. 3 No. 3
- 2004: Vol. 2 No. 1, Vol. 2 No. 2, Vol. 2 No. 3
Authors need to know |
1. A journal differs from a conference. A journal follows a regular publication schedule and publishes a set number of papers in each issue and each year. In a journal, the number of published papers must be reasonable and understandable for each issue and year, as announced on the website. 2. During the review process, each author competes with the others. Authors should utilize the time allocated by the editor to revise and update their work when necessary, considering feedback from reviewers and editors, with the goal of winning the competition. Authors should be aware that the publication quota of a journal is limited. The journal will only publish the best papers, rejecting all others due to the limitation. 3. Once a manuscript receives acceptance, it still requires additional processing, such as preparing the final camera-ready paper and proofreading, among other things. Authors should be aware and cooperative with all processes. Even after the processing has been completed, authors should exercise patience in waiting for the publication scheduling due to point number 1. 4.Scopus has three metrics (SJR, CiteScore, and SNIP). ScimagoJR announces the SJR and quartile every year around May, while Scopus directly announces the other metrics, CiteScore and SNIP. Scopus also will classify quartiles based on CiteScore. So, metrics and quartiles of a journal can fluctuate every year. 5. A journal indexed by Scopus can be flagged by CSAB Scopus for reevaluation at any time due to radar (mainly self-citations and bursts of published papers), metrics, etc. When Scopus flags a journal, the process of adding published papers to it remains pending. The re-evaluation decision can either pass or fail, and time for re-evaluation varies, either consuming fast or long times (some weeks, some months, or even more than 1 year). If the re-evaluation result is passed, published papers will continue to be added to the Scopus database, but if it fails, the journal will be discontinued for inclusion, and there will be no added new published papers to the Scopus database. 6. Authors should be aware of the above matters; therefore, the cooperation of authors and editors is needed to maintain, establish, and accelerate the journal's performance. |
Posted: 2025-02-17 | |
Should you cite yourself or not? avoid citing your published papers in this publisher whenever possible in the future |
Self-citation in academic publishing is a complex issue that can have a significant impact on how people perceive scholarly work. Institutional frameworks may unintentionally encourage authors to cite themselves, reducing the value of their work. This raises concerns about academic integrity and the possibility of technical plagiarism. Researchers should consider why authors self-cite and promote honesty in scholarly communication in order to reduce self-citation and increase credibility. Authors should exercise caution when citing their own work, particularly if they write for the same publisher. This can raise concerns about academic integrity and result in biased research dissemination. Avoiding self-citation not only improves the credibility of their work, but it also encourages a more comprehensive engagement with a larger body of scholarship. Understanding proper citation techniques strengthens an author's adherence to ethical scholarly practices. Navigating the nuances of academic citation practices is critical for scholars seeking integrity and clarity in their work. Over-reliance on one's own publications may unintentionally indicate a lack of interaction with the broader scholarly community. Scholars from various backgrounds may face unique challenges in understanding academic integrity conventions, particularly those involving self-referential citations. To maintain objectivity and credibility, authors should use a strategic approach when referencing their own work. Overreliance on previous papers can give the impression of self-validation and reduce the impact of research within the larger academic discourse. As a result, authors should avoid citing their published papers from this publisher whenever possible in the future. |
Posted: 2025-02-16 | More... |
M.Eng. (S2) in Electrical Engineering (Intelligent Systems Engineering) |
Want to study Master's Program of Electrical Engineering at Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta? We are pleased to announce that the Indonesia Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology has approved ( the establishment of the Master of Electrical Engineering in Intelligent Systems Engineering (ISE) Program at Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. In our Master in Intelligent Systems Engineering, you will gain technical expertise in computational engineering and artificial intelligence—the future of engineering and problem solving. For more information, please take a look at: |
Posted: 2023-04-01 | |
Improving Quality of the TELKOMNIKA |
Dear Authors, We would be more than happy to receive any suggestions for improving our Journal. |
Posted: 2021-04-02 | More... |
We does not accept any papers suggestion from conference organizer |
Dear Sir/Madam, Due to huge regular papers submission, we apologize that this journal does not accept any papers suggestion from other conference organizers. Your attention and cooperation is very highly appreciated. Best Regards, TELKOMNIKA Editorial Office |
Posted: 2020-06-03 | More... |
More Announcements... |
Vol 23, No 2: April 2025
Table of Contents
Enhancing terahertz patch antenna performance with metamaterials for biomedical applications | |
Siraj Younes, Foshi Jaouad, Kaoutar Saidi Alaoui | 267-274 |
Comparing global system for mobile and G-NetTrack signal strength in drive test study | |
Hollanda Arief Kusuma, Dwi Eny Djoko Setyono | 275-282 |
High-bandwidth millimetre wave multiple-input multiple-output antenna for 38 GHz 5G mobile applications | |
Md. Ashraful Haque, Md. Kawsar Ahmed, Narinderjit Singh Sawaran Singh, Md. Afzalur Rahman, Md. Sharif Ahammed, Redwan A. Ananta, Kamal Hossain Nahin, Jamal Hossain Nirob, Liton Chandra Paul | 283-294 |
Dual-band MIMO antenna for wideband THz communication in future 6G applications | |
Jamal Hossain Nirob, Kamal Hossain Nahin, Md. Ashraful Haque, Md. Sharif Ahammed, Narinderjit Singh Sawaran Singh, Redwan A. Ananta, Md. Kawsar Ahmed, Liton Chandra Paul | 295-305 |
Graphene-based THz antenna with a wide bandwidth for future 6G short-range communication | |
Md. Kawsar Ahmed, Md. Sharif Ahammed, Md. Ashraful Haque, Narinderjit Singh Sawaran Singh, Jamal Hossain Nirob, Redwan A. Ananta, Kamal Hossain Nahin, Liton Chandra Paul | 306-315 |
A wideband microstrip antenna employing ring and hexadecagonal slots with parasitic elements for W-band applications | |
AbdulGuddoos S. A. Gaid, Mohammed M. S. Qaid, Mohammed A. E. Abdullah, Mohammad Ahmed Alomari | 316-328 |
Detecting fake news through deep learning: a current systematic review | |
Idza Aisara Norabid, Masita Jalil, Rozniza Ali, Noor Hafhizah Abd Rahim | 329-339 |
Challenges in the technological adoption of document management systems | |
Sussy Bayona-Oré, Marlene Reyes | 340-348 |
Improving visual perception through technology: a comparative analysis of real-time visual aid systems | |
Othmane Sebban, Ahmed Azough, Mohamed Lamrini | 249-370 |
Decision support system in machine learning models for a face recognition-based attendance system | |
Joseph Teguh Santoso, Danny Manongga, Hendry Hendry | 371-381 |
Oversampling vs. undersampling in TF-IDF variations for imbalanced Indonesian short texts classification | |
I Nyoman Prayana Trisna, Ni Wayan Emmy Rosiana Dewi, Muhammad Alam Pasirulloh | 382-392 |
Adversarial-robust steganalysis system leveraging adversarial training and EfficientNet | |
Thakwan Akram Jawad, Jamshid Bagherzadeh Mohasefi, Mohammed Salah Reda Abdelghany | 393-401 |
Advanced crop yield prediction using machine learning and deep learning: a comprehensive review | |
Ayush Anand, Kavita Jhajharia | 402-415 |
Comparison of word embedding features using deep learning in sentiment analysis | |
Jasmir Jasmir, Errissya Rasywir, Herti Yani, Agus Nugroho | 416-425 |
A comparative analysis of transfer learning models on suicide and non-suicide textual data | |
Merinda Lestandy, Abdurrahim Abdurrahim, Amrul Faruq, Muhammad Irfan | 426-434 |
K-Means clustering interpretation using recency, frequency, and monetary factor for retail customers segmentation | |
Agung Nugraha, Yutika Amelia Effendi, Nicholas Nicholas, Zejin Tao, Mokh Afifuddin, Nania Nuzulita | 435-446 |
Enhancing spam detection using Harris Hawks optimization algorithm | |
Mosleh M. Abualhaj, Sumaya Nabil Alkhatib, Ahmad Adel Abu-Shareha, Adeeb M. Alsaaidah, Mohammed Anbar | 447-454 |
Prototype of alternate wetting and drying rice cultivation using internet of things for precision agriculture | |
Akkachai Phuphanin, Metha Tasakorn | 455-465 |
Analyzing the impact of sports activity intensity on muscle capacity through integrated biosensor technology | |
Ervin Masita Dewi, Nurista Wahyu Kirana, Sugondo Hadiyoso | 466-472 |
Three-position gearshifts remote control for agricultural tractors | |
Thewin Sakunbunyong, Tossapol Jangnoi, Tanawat Chalardsakul, Viroch Sukontanakarn | 473-483 |
Imposing neural networks and PSO optimization in the quest for optimal ankle-foot orthosis dynamic modelling | |
Annisa Jamali, Aida Suriana Abdul Razak, Shahrol Mohamaddan | 484-494 |
Temperature response analysis between PD and PI controls applied to infant incubators | |
Abd. Kholiq, Lamidi Lamidi, Farid Amrinsani, Anisia Yunita Maulani Argumery, Hafizh Aushaf Mahdy | 495-506 |
Homogeneous transformation matrix for force-torque sensor orientation compensation in rotatable control handle | |
Shivam Suresh Zagade, Rajiv Basavarajappa H., Sudhir Madhav Patil, Abhishek Pradeep Buzruk, Kshitij Ghanshyam Jiwane, Tole Sutikno | 507-525 |
Human–robot collaboration with mixed reality for interactive and safe workspaces | |
Sanghun Nam | 526-532 |
Design of the automation system for the chemical water treatment plant of the oil refinery in Santiago de Cuba | |
Raidel Fidel Linares-Vicente, José Ricardo Nuñez-Alvarez, Mirlenis Montoya Alayo, Grether Lucía Real-Pérez | 533-542 |
Dual band antenna design for 4G/5G application and prediction of gain using machine learning approaches | |
Narinderjit Singh Sawaran Singh, Md. Ashraful Haque, Redwan A. Ananta, Md. Sharif Ahammed, Md. Abdul Kader Jilani, Liton Chandra Paul, Rajermani Thinakaran, Malathy Batumalay, JosephNg Poh Soon, Deshinta Arrova Dewi | 543-552 |
Optimized tri-band MIMO antenna design for 6G terahertz applications and future connectivity | |
Jamal Hossain Nirob, Kamal Hossain Nahin, Md. Ashraful Haque, Redwan A. Ananta, Narinderjit Singh Sawaran Singh, Md. Kawsar Ahmed, Md. Sharif Ahammed, Liton Chandra Paul | 553-562 |