Table of Contents
K-band waveguide T-junction diplexer for satellite communication | |
H. Setti, A. Tribak, A. El Hamichi, J. Zbitou, A. Mediavilla | 549-554 |
A low-cost fiber based displacement sensor for industrial applications | |
Siti Mahfuza Saimon, Nor Hafizah Ngajikin, Muhammad Shafiq Omar, Mohd Haniff Ibrahim, Muhammad Yusof Mohd Noor, Ahmad Sharmi Abdullah, Mohd Rashidi Salim | 555-560 |
New design of lightweight authentication protocol in wearable technology | |
Galih Bangun Santosa, Setiyo Budiyanto | 561-572 |
Electronically controlled radiation pattern leaky wave antenna array for (C band) application | |
Mowafak K. Mohsen, M. S. M. Isa, Z. Zakaria, A. A. M. Isa, M. K. Abdulhameed, Mothana L. Attiah, Ahmed M. Dinar | 573-579 |
Detection of immovable objects on visually impaired people walking aids | |
Abdurrasyid Abdurrasyid, Indrianto Indrianto, Rakhmat Arianto | 580-585 |
Air pollution monitoring system using LoRa modul as transceiver system | |
Mia Rosmiati, Moch. Fachru Rizal, Fitri Susanti, Gilang Fahreza Alfisyahrin | 586-592 |
Low-cost communication system for explorer-class underwater remotely operated vehicle | |
Simon Siregar, Muhammad Ikhsan Sani, Muhammad Muchlis Kurnia, Dzikri Hasbialloh | 593-600 |
Remote sensing technology for disaster mitigation and regional infrastructure planning in urban area: a review | |
Muhammad Dimyati, Akhmad Fauzy, Anggara Setyabawana Putra | 601-608 |
Information technology investment analysis of hospitality using information economics approach | |
Eva Novianti, Ahmad Nurul Fajar | 609-614 |
Dashboard settings design in SVARA using user-centred design method | |
Muhammad Yusril Helmi Setyawan, Rolly Maulana Awangga, Rezka Afriyanti | 615-619 |
Indonesian license plate recognition based on area feature extraction | |
Fitri Damayanti, Sri Herawati, Imamah Imamah, Fifin Ayu M, Aeri Rachmad | 620-627 |
Facial expression recognition of 3D image using facial action coding system (FACS) | |
Hardianto Wibowo, Fachrunnisa Firdausi, Wildan Suharso, Wahyu Andhyka Kusuma, Dani Harmanto | 628-636 |
Classification of breast cancer grades using physical parameters and K-nearest neighbor method | |
Anak Agung Ngurah Gunawan, S. Poniman, I. Wayan Supardi | 637-644 |
Classification of blast cell type on acute myeloid leukemia (AML) based on image morphology of white blood cells | |
Wiharto Wiharto, Esti Suryani, Yuda Rizki Putra | 645-652 |
Image forgery detection using error level analysis and deep learning | |
Ida Bagus Kresna Sudiatmika, Fathur Rahman, Trisno Trisno, Suyoto Suyoto | 653-659 |
Auto purchase order system between retailer and distributor | |
Teguh Andriyanto, Ary Permatadeny Nevita | 660-666 |
Technology acceptance model for evaluating IT of online based transportation acceptance: a case of GO-JEK in Salatiga | |
Dhea Arvie, Andeka Rocky Tanaamah | 667-675 |
A decentralized paradigm for resource-aware computing in wireless Ad hoc networks | |
Heerok Banerjee, S. Murugaanandam, V. Ganapathy | 676-682 |
The strategy of enhancing article citation and H-index on SINTA to improve tertiary reputation | |
Untung Rahardja, Eka Purnama Harahap, Shylvia Ratna Dewi | 683-692 |
2FYSH: two-factor authentication you should have for password replacement | |
Sunderi Pranata, Hargyo Tri Nugroho | 693-702 |
Usability of BLESS-implemented class room: a case study of mixtio | |
Desita Mustikaningrum, Astari Retnowardhani | 703-711 |
KAFA: A novel interoperability open framework to utilize Indonesian electronic identity card | |
Rolly Maulana Awangga, Nisa Hanum Harani, Muhammad Yusril Helmi Setyawan | 712-718 |
K-means and bayesian networks to determine building damage levels | |
Devni Prima Sari, Dedi Rosadi, Adhitya Ronnie Effendie, Danardono Danardono | 719-727 |
Data stream mining techniques: a review | |
Eiman Alothali, Hany Alashwal, Saad Harous | 728-737 |
The architecture social media and online newspaper credibility measurement for fake news detection | |
Rakhmat Arianto, Harco Leslie Hendric Spits Warnars, Edi Abdurachman, Yaya Heryadi, Ford Lumban Gaol | 738-744 |
Wi-Fi password stealing program using USB rubber ducky | |
Hansen Edrick Harianto, Dennis Gunawan | 745-752 |
Security risk analysis of bring your own device system in manufacturing company at Tangerang | |
Astari Retnowardhani, Raziv Herman Diputra, Yaya Sudarya Triana | 753-762 |
A scoring rubric for automatic short answer grading system | |
Uswatun Hasanah, Adhistya Erna Permanasari, Sri Suning Kusumawardani, Feddy Setio Pribadi | 763-770 |
MOS gas sensor of meat freshness analysis on E-nose | |
Budi Gunawan, Salman Alfarisi, Gunanjar Satrio, Arief Sudarmaji, Malvin Malvin, Krisyarangga Krisyarangga | 771-780 |
Time and cost optimization of business process RMA using PERT and goal programming | |
Gita Intani Budiawati, Riyanarto Sarno | 781-787 |
An artificial neural network approach for detecting skin cancer | |
Sugiarti Sugiarti, Yuhandri Yuhandri, Jufriadif Na'am, Dolly Indra, Julius Santony | 788-793 |
RFID-based conveyor belt for improve warehouse operations | |
Syafrial Fachri Pane, Rolly Maulana Awangga, Bayu Rahmad Azhari, Gilang Romadhanu Tartila | 794-800 |
Sequential order vs random order in operators of variable neighborhood descent method | |
Darmawan Satyananda, Sapti Wahyuningsih | 801-808 |
Improved echocardiography segmentation using active shape model and optical flow | |
Riyanto Sigit, Calvin Alfa Roji, Tri Harsono, Son Kuswadi | 809-818 |
Modelling and predicting wetland rice production using support vector regression | |
Muhammad Alkaff, Husnul Khatimi, Wenny Puspita, Yuslena Sari | 819-825 |
Guillou-quisquater protocol for user authentication based on zero knowledge proof | |
Kevin Kusnardi, Dennis Gunawan | 826-834 |
Government role in influencing creative economy for community purchasing power | |
Dedeh Maryani, Rossy Lambelanova | 835-843 |
Regression test selection model: a comparison between ReTSE and pythia | |
Amir Ngah, Malcolm Munro, Zailani Abdullah, Masita A. Jalil, Mohamad Abdallah | 844-851 |
Security vulnerabilities related to web-based data | |
Mohammed Awad, Muhammed Ali, Maen Takruri, Shereen Ismail | 852-856 |
A novel key management protocol for vehicular cloud security | |
Nayana Hegde, Sunilkumar S. Manvi | 857-865 |
Adomian decomposition method for analytical solution of a continuous arithmetic Asian option pricing model | |
S. O. Edeki, G. O. Akinlabi, O. González-Gaxiola | 866-872 |
Application of gabor transform in the classification of myoelectric signal | |
Jingwei Too, A. R. Abdullah, N. Mohd Saad, N. Mohd Ali, T. N. S. Tengku Zawawi | 873-881 |
Facial image retrieval on semantic features using adaptive mean genetic algorithm | |
Marwan Ali Shnan, Taha H. Rassem, Nor Saradatul Akmar Zulkifli | 882-896 |
Development of IoT at hydroponic system using raspberry Pi | |
Rony Baskoro Lukito, Cahya Lukito | 897-906 |
Novel pH sensor based on fiber optic coated bromophenol blue and cresol red | |
Fredy Kurniawan, Baginda Zulkarnain, Mohammad Teguh Hermanto, Hendro Juwono, Muhammad Rivai | 907-914 |
Electromagnetic interference shielding in unmanned aerial vehicle against lightning strike | |
Diah Permata, Menachem C. Gurning, Yul Martin, Henry B. H. Sitorus, Mona Arif Muda, Herman H. Sinaga | 915-919 |
A rapid classification of wheat flour protein content using artificial neural network model based on bioelectrical properties | |
Sucipto Sucipto, Maffudhotul Anna, Muhammad Arwani, Yusuf Hendrawan | 920-927 |
An electrical power control system for explorer-class remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV) | |
Muhammad Ikhsan Sani, Simon Siregar, Muhammad Muchlis Kurnia, Dzikri Hasbialloh | 928-936 |
Prototype of human footstep power generator using ultrasonic sensor | |
Giva Andriana Mutiara, Andri Surya Dinata, Anang Sularsa | 937-945 |
Nonlinearity compensation of low-frequency loudspeaker response using internal model controller | |
Erni Yudaningtyas, Achsanul Khabib, Waru Djuriatno, Dionysius J. D. H. Santjojo, Adharul Muttaqin, Ponco Siwindarto, Zakiyah Amalia | 946-955 |
Non-intrusive vehicle-based measurement system for drowsiness detection | |
Ignatius Deradjad Pranowo, Dian Artanto, Muhammad Prayadi Sulistyanto | 956-964 |
Voice recognition system for controlling electrical appliances in smart hospital room | |
Eva Inaiyah Agustin, Riky Tri Yunardi, Aji Akbar Firdaus | 965-972 |
Face recognition smart cane using haar-like features and eigenfaces | |
Gita Indah Hapsari, Giva Andriana Mutiara, Husein Tarigan | 973-980 |
Comparative study of 940 nm and 1450 nm near infrared sensor for glucose concentration monitoring | |
Kiki Prawiroredjo, Engelin Shintadewi Julian | 981-985 |
UDP Protocol for multi-task assignment in "void loop" robot soccer | |
Irma Damayanti, Simon Siregar, Muhammad Ikhsan Sani | 986-994 |
A high efficiency BPSK receiver for short range wireless network | |
Mousa Yousefi, Khalil Monfaredi | 995-1005 |
State-space averaged modeling and transfer function derivation of DC-DC boost converter for high-brightness led lighting applications | |
Muhammad Wasif Umar, Norzaihar Yahaya, Zuhairi Baharudin | 1006-1013 |
Coordination of blade pitch controller and battery energy storage using firefly algorithm for frequency stabilization in wind power systems | |
Teguh Aryo Nugroho, Rahmat Septian Wijanarko, Herlambang Setiadi | 1014-1022 |
The step construction of penalized spline in electrical power load data | |
Rezzy Eko Caraka, Sakhinah Abu Bakar, Gangga Anuraga, M. A. Mauludin, Anwardi Anwardi, Suwito Pomalingo, Vidila Rosalina | 1023-1031 |
Switchable dual-band bandpass filter based on stepped impedance resonator with U-shaped defected microstrip structure for wireless applications | |
Mussa Mabrok, Zahriladha Zakaria, Yully Erwanti Masrukin, Tole Sutikno, A. R. Othman, Nurhasniza Edward | 1032-1039 |
Dynamic performance comparison of DFIG and FCWECS during grid faults | |
A. M. Shiddiq Yunus, Makmur Saini, Ahmed Abu-Siada | 1040-1046 |
Influence of input power in Ar/H2 thermal plasma with silicon powder by numerical simulation | |
Yulianta Siregar, Yasunori Tanaka, Yoshihiko Uesugi, Tatsuo Ishijima | 1047-1054 |
Application of LFAC {16 2/3Hz} for electrical power transmission system: a comparative simulation study | |
Salam Waley Shneen, Mahdi Ali Abdul Hussein, Jaafar Ali Kadhum, Salah Mahdi Ali | 1055-1064 |
Analysis and investigation of a novel microwave sensor with high Q-factor for liquid characterization | |
Ammar Alhegazi, Zahriladha Zakaria, Noor Azwan Shairi, Tole Sutikno, Rammah A. Alahnomi, Ahmed Ismail Abu-Khadrah | 1065-1070 |