Vol 23, No 2

April 2025

DOI: http://doi.org/10.12928/telkomnika.v23i2

Table of Contents

Enhancing terahertz patch antenna performance with metamaterials for biomedical applications PDF
Siraj Younes, Foshi Jaouad, Kaoutar Saidi Alaoui 267-274
Comparing global system for mobile and G-NetTrack signal strength in drive test study PDF
Hollanda Arief Kusuma, Dwi Eny Djoko Setyono 275-282
High-bandwidth millimetre wave multiple-input multiple-output antenna for 38 GHz 5G mobile applications PDF
Md. Ashraful Haque, Md. Kawsar Ahmed, Narinderjit Singh Sawaran Singh, Md. Afzalur Rahman, Md. Sharif Ahammed, Redwan A. Ananta, Kamal Hossain Nahin, Jamal Hossain Nirob, Liton Chandra Paul 283-294
Dual-band MIMO antenna for wideband THz communication in future 6G applications PDF
Jamal Hossain Nirob, Kamal Hossain Nahin, Md. Ashraful Haque, Md. Sharif Ahammed, Narinderjit Singh Sawaran Singh, Redwan A. Ananta, Md. Kawsar Ahmed, Liton Chandra Paul 295-305
Graphene-based THz antenna with a wide bandwidth for future 6G short-range communication PDF
Md. Kawsar Ahmed, Md. Sharif Ahammed, Md. Ashraful Haque, Narinderjit Singh Sawaran Singh, Jamal Hossain Nirob, Redwan A. Ananta, Kamal Hossain Nahin, Liton Chandra Paul 306-315
A wideband microstrip antenna employing ring and hexadecagonal slots with parasitic elements for W-band applications PDF
AbdulGuddoos S. A. Gaid, Mohammed M. S. Qaid, Mohammed A. E. Abdullah, Mohammad Ahmed Alomari 316-328
Detecting fake news through deep learning: a current systematic review PDF
Idza Aisara Norabid, Masita Jalil, Rozniza Ali, Noor Hafhizah Abd Rahim 329-339
Challenges in the technological adoption of document management systems PDF
Sussy Bayona-Oré, Marlene Reyes 340-348
Improving visual perception through technology: a comparative analysis of real-time visual aid systems PDF
Othmane Sebban, Ahmed Azough, Mohamed Lamrini 249-370
Decision support system in machine learning models for a face recognition-based attendance system PDF
Joseph Teguh Santoso, Danny Manongga, Hendry Hendry 371-381
Oversampling vs. undersampling in TF-IDF variations for imbalanced Indonesian short texts classification PDF
I Nyoman Prayana Trisna, Ni Wayan Emmy Rosiana Dewi, Muhammad Alam Pasirulloh 382-392
Adversarial-robust steganalysis system leveraging adversarial training and EfficientNet PDF
Thakwan Akram Jawad, Jamshid Bagherzadeh Mohasefi, Mohammed Salah Reda Abdelghany 393-401
Advanced crop yield prediction using machine learning and deep learning: a comprehensive review PDF
Ayush Anand, Kavita Jhajharia 402-415
Comparison of word embedding features using deep learning in sentiment analysis PDF
Jasmir Jasmir, Errissya Rasywir, Herti Yani, Agus Nugroho 416-425
A comparative analysis of transfer learning models on suicide and non-suicide textual data PDF
Merinda Lestandy, Abdurrahim Abdurrahim, Amrul Faruq, Muhammad Irfan 426-434
K-Means clustering interpretation using recency, frequency, and monetary factor for retail customers segmentation PDF
Agung Nugraha, Yutika Amelia Effendi, Nicholas Nicholas, Zejin Tao, Mokh Afifuddin, Nania Nuzulita 435-446
Enhancing spam detection using Harris Hawks optimization algorithm PDF
Mosleh M. Abualhaj, Sumaya Nabil Alkhatib, Ahmad Adel Abu-Shareha, Adeeb M. Alsaaidah, Mohammed Anbar 447-454
Prototype of alternate wetting and drying rice cultivation using internet of things for precision agriculture PDF
Akkachai Phuphanin, Metha Tasakorn 455-465
Analyzing the impact of sports activity intensity on muscle capacity through integrated biosensor technology PDF
Ervin Masita Dewi, Nurista Wahyu Kirana, Sugondo Hadiyoso 466-472
Three-position gearshifts remote control for agricultural tractors PDF
Thewin Sakunbunyong, Tossapol Jangnoi, Tanawat Chalardsakul, Viroch Sukontanakarn 473-483
Imposing neural networks and PSO optimization in the quest for optimal ankle-foot orthosis dynamic modelling PDF
Annisa Jamali, Aida Suriana Abdul Razak, Shahrol Mohamaddan 484-494
Temperature response analysis between PD and PI controls applied to infant incubators PDF
Abd. Kholiq, Lamidi Lamidi, Farid Amrinsani, Anisia Yunita Maulani Argumery, Hafizh Aushaf Mahdy 495-506
Homogeneous transformation matrix for force-torque sensor orientation compensation in rotatable control handle PDF
Shivam Suresh Zagade, Rajiv Basavarajappa H., Sudhir Madhav Patil, Abhishek Pradeep Buzruk, Kshitij Ghanshyam Jiwane, Tole Sutikno 507-525
Human–robot collaboration with mixed reality for interactive and safe workspaces PDF
Sanghun Nam 526-532
Design of the automation system for the chemical water treatment plant of the oil refinery in Santiago de Cuba PDF
Raidel Fidel Linares-Vicente, José Ricardo Nuñez-Alvarez, Mirlenis Montoya Alayo, Grether Lucía Real-Pérez 533-542
Dual band antenna design for 4G/5G application and prediction of gain using machine learning approaches PDF
Narinderjit Singh Sawaran Singh, Md. Ashraful Haque, Redwan A. Ananta, Md. Sharif Ahammed, Md. Abdul Kader Jilani, Liton Chandra Paul, Rajermani Thinakaran, Malathy Batumalay, JosephNg Poh Soon, Deshinta Arrova Dewi 543-552
Optimized tri-band MIMO antenna design for 6G terahertz applications and future connectivity PDF
Jamal Hossain Nirob, Kamal Hossain Nahin, Md. Ashraful Haque, Redwan A. Ananta, Narinderjit Singh Sawaran Singh, Md. Kawsar Ahmed, Md. Sharif Ahammed, Liton Chandra Paul 553-562