Hybrid multi-independent mmWave MNOs assessment utilising spectrum sharing paradigm for 5G networks

Mothana L. Attiah, A. A. Md Isa, Zahriladha Zakaria, M. K. Abdulhameed, Mowafak K. Mohsen, Ahmed M. Dinar


Spectrum sharing paradigm (SSP) has recently emerged as an attractive solution to provide capital expenditure (CapEx) and operating expenditure (OpEx) savings and to enhance spectrum utilization (SU). However, practical issues concerning the implementation of such paradigm are rarely addressed (e.g., mutual interference, fairness, and mmWave base station density). Therefore, in this paper, we proposed ultra-reliable and proportionally fair hybrid spectrum sharing access strategy that aims to address the aforementioned aspects as a function of coverage probability (CP), average rate distributions (ARD), and the number of mmWave base stations (mBSs). In this strategy, the spectrum is sliced into three parts (exclusive, semi-pooled, and fully pooled). A typical user that belongs to certain operator has the right to occupy a part of the spectrum available in the high and low frequencies (28 and 73 GHz) based on an adaptive multi-state mmWave cell selection scheme (AMMC-S) which associates the user with the tagged mBS that offers a highest SINR to maintain more reliable connection and enrich the user experience. Numerical results show that significant improvement in terms of ARD, CP, fairness among operators, and maintain an acceptable level of mBSs density.


5G; hybrid mmWave spectrum sharing access (HMSSA); multi-IMNOs;

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DOI: http://doi.org/10.12928/telkomnika.v17i3.11131


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TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
ISSN: 1693-6930, e-ISSN: 2302-9293
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