Fit-NES: wearable bracelet for heart rate monitoring

Muhammad Ikhsan Sani, Giva Andriana Mutiara, Raden Sri Dewanto Wijaya Putra


The heart is a vital organ that serves to pump blood to the whole body. A heart rate can be used as a healthy body parameter conditions. Growing evidence suggests that IT-based health records play essential role to drive medical revolution especially on data storage and processing. The heart rate measurement (HRM) process usually involves wearable sensor devices to record patient’s data. This data is recorded to help the doctors to analyze and provide a better diagnose in order to determine the best treatment for the patients. Connecting the sensor system through a wireless network to a cloud server will enable the doctor to monitor remotely. This paper presents fit-NES wearable bracelet, an alternative method for integrating a HR measurement device using optical based pulse sensor and Bluetooth-based communication module. This paper is also present the benchmarking of proposed system with several various commercial HR measurement devices.


heart rate measurement; pulse sensor; wearable; wireless; medical;

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TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
ISSN: 1693-6930, e-ISSN: 2302-9293
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