Design of optimal search engine using text summarization through artificial intelligence techniques
Kaushik Sekaran, P. Chandana, J. Rethna Virgil Jeny, Maytham N. Meqdad, Seifedine Kadry
Natural language processing is the trending topic in the latest research areas, which allows the developers to create the human-computer interactions to come into existence. The natural language processing is an integration of artificial intelligence, computer science and computer linguistics. The research towards natural Language Processing is focused on creating innovations towards creating the devices or machines which operates basing on the single command of a human. It allows various Bot creations to innovate the instructions from the mobile devices to control the physical devices by allowing the speech-tagging. In our paper, we design a search engine which not only displays the data according to user query but also performs the detailed display of the content or topic user is interested for using the summarization concept. We find the designed search engine is having optimal response time for the user queries by analyzing with number of transactions as inputs. Also, the result findings in the performance analysis show that the text summarization method has been an efficient way for improving the response time in the search engine optimizations.
artificial intelligence; bot creation; natural language processing; search engine; text summarization;
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