Developed approach for phase-based Eulerian video magnification

Haider Ismael Shahadi, Zaid Jabbar Al-allaq, Hayder Jawad Albattat


This paper proposes a modification approach for phased-based EVM in order to reduce the processing time without effect the quality of the magnified video. The proposed approach applies a resizing process on the input video using Lanczos-3 algorithm. Then, it decomposes video frames using steerable pyramid to obtain multi-scale frame with its orientation. Subsequently, the resulted frames are filtered by temporal filters for specific bands and the filtered frames are multiplied by a magnification factor. Now, both the magnified regions and the unmagnified regions for each frame are added together. Finally, reconstructing the produced magnified multi-scale frames using the inverse steerable pyramid. The experimental results show that superiority of the proposed approach compares to the conventional phase-based EVM in processing time, where the processing time reduction about 60-65%. Furthermore, this approach does not affect on the video quality, which maintain it in the boundary of the conventional Phase-based EVM.


Eulerian video magnification (EVM); Lanczos-3 algorithm; linear-based (LB-EVM); motion magnification; phase-based (PB-EVM);

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TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
ISSN: 1693-6930, e-ISSN: 2302-9293
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