SLRV: An RFID Mutual Authentication Protocol Conforming to EPC Generation-2 Standard

Mu’awya Naser, Ismat Aldmour, Rahmat Budiarto, Pedro Peris-Lopez


Having done an analysis on the security vulnerabilities of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) through a desynchronization and an impersonation attacks, it is revealed that the secret information (i.e.: secret key and static identifier) shared between the tag and the reader is unnecessary. To overcome the vulnerability, this paper introduces Shelled Lightweight Random Value (SLRV) protocol; a mutual authentication protocol with high-security potentials conforming to  electronic product code (EPC) Class-1 Generation-2 Tags, based on lightweight and standard cryptography on the tag’s and reader’s side, respectively. SLRV prunes de-synchronization attacks where the updating of internal values is only executed on the tag’s side and is a condition to a successful mutual authentication. Results of security analysis of SLRV, and comparison with existing protocols, are presented.

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TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
ISSN: 1693-6930, e-ISSN: 2302-9293
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