Balancing a Segway robot using LQR controller based on genetic and bacteria foraging optimization algorithms

Ibrahim K. Mohammed, Abdulla I. Abdulla


A two-wheeled single seat Segway robot is a special kind of wheeled mobile robot, using it as a human transporter system needs applying a robust control system to overcome its inherent unstable problem. The mathematical model of the system dynamics is derived and then state space formulation for the system is presented to enable design state feedback controller scheme. In this research, an optimal control system based on linear quadratic regulator (LQR) technique is proposed to stabilize the mobile robot. The LQR controller is designed to control the position and yaw rotation of the two-wheeled vehicle. The proposed balancing robot system is validated by simulating the LQR using Matlab software. Two tuning methods, genetic algorithm (GA) and bacteria foraging optimization algorithm (BFOA) are used to obtain optimal values for controller parameters. A comparison between the performance of both controllers GA-LQR and BFO-LQR is achieved based on the standard control criteria which includes rise time, maximum overshoot, settling time and control input of the system. Simulation results suggest that the BFOA-LQR controller can be adopted to balance the Segway robot with minimal overshoot and oscillation frequency.


bacteria foraging optimization algorithm; genetic algorithm; LQR controller; Segway robot; yaw rotation;

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TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
ISSN: 1693-6930, e-ISSN: 2302-9293
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