The flow of baseline estimation using a single omnidirectional camera

Sukma Meganova Effendi, Dadet Pramadihanto, Riyanto Sigit


Baseline is a distance between two cameras, but we cannot get information from a single camera. Baseline is one of the important parameters to find the depth of objects in stereo image triangulation. The flow of baseline is produced by moving the camera in horizontal axis from its original location. Using baseline estimation, we can determined the depth of an object by using only an omnidirectional camera. This research focus on determining the flow of baseline before calculating the disparity map. To estimate the flow and to tracking the object, we use three and four points in the surface of an object from two different data (panoramic image) that were already chosen. By moving the camera horizontally, we get the tracks of them. The obtained tracks are visually similar. Each track represent the coordinate of each tracking point. Two of four tracks have a graphical representation similar to second order polynomial.


baseline; flow; omnidirectional camera;

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TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
ISSN: 1693-6930, e-ISSN: 2302-9293
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