Path discovering in maze area using mobile robot

Ibrahim Majid Mohammed, Mustafa Zuhaer Nayef Al-Dabagh, Salar Jamal Rashid, Nor Ashidi Mat Isa


Robotic maze pathfinding problems deal with detecting the correct route from the start point to the end-point in a virtual maze environment consisting of walls. Automated robot mobility is a significant feature, which enables a mobile robot to traverse a maze independently, from one position to another, without human intervention. There is a myriad of autonomous industrial mobile robot applications, including the transportation of goods and parts, domestic cleaning, indoor security surveillance, airport baggage couriering, and a plethora of other applications to traverse dangerous locations. This paper proposes a pathfinding mobile robot in a virtual maze based on a combination of a simplified left-hand algorithm and a line-following control algorithm. The mobile robot works in any maze to determine a route from the initial starting point to the end-point. The approach outlined in this paper uses a left-hand algorithm to solve the maze problem and a line-follower control algorithm to enable the robot to move in a straight line through the virtual maze. The algorithm used is less complicated and prevents the robot from falling into infinity loops compared to the traditional wall-follower algorithm.


left-hand algorithm; maze-solving; mobile robot; virtual maze

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TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
ISSN: 1693-6930, e-ISSN: 2302-9293
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