Big data in the hospitality industry: a methodical review

Omar Jawabreh, Rami Mahmoud, Basel J. A. Ali


This study intends to identify research gaps and future trends and provide a framework for the next generation of research to assess how much big data (BD) is employed in hospitality and tourist research. The study is based on a comprehensive quantitative evaluation of the relevant literature: Scopus and Web of Science (WoS)-listed academic works. The following criteria were used to assess the submissions: those who have the following traits an overview of the study’s subject matter, including its theoretical and conceptual framework, data sources, data kind and quantity, data collection methods, and data analysis methodologies. Research shows that the usage of books on hospitality and tourism management has increased in recent years. Massive volumes of data are analyzed using analytical methods. However, the scope of this investigation is really wide. Furthermore, this research contributes to an in-depth and systematic assessment of the extent to which scholars in hospitality/tourism know and work on business intelligence and BD. This is the first complete survey of the literature on the topic of hospitality and tourism.


big data; business intelligence; data mining; hospitality; machine learning;

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TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
ISSN: 1693-6930, e-ISSN: 2302-9293
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