The Prediction of Optimal Route of City Transportation Based on Passenger Occupancy using Genetic Algorithm: A Case Study in The City of Bandung

Sri Suryani Prasetiyowati, Yuliant Sibaroni, Derwin Prabangkara


Currently, the existence of city transport is increasingly eliminated by private vehicles such as cars and motorcycles. This situation is further exacerbated by the behavior of city transport drivers who are less discipline in driving, or in picking up and dropping off their passengers. The bad behavior is partly caused by the low level of passenger occupancy. The drivers try to search for passengers as much as possible but often ignore the traffic rules. To overcome this problem, an optimal transport route with high passenger potential is required. Therefore, this study investigated the optimal route of city transport based on the passenger occupancy rate in the city of Bandung as the case study. The method employed for determining the optimal route is Genetic algorithm combined with Ordinary Kriging method used for the process of passenger prediction and fitness calculation. The optimal routes are those with higher occupancy rate. The analysis results showed that the use of the Genetic algorithm with a low number of generations succeed in creating new optimal routes even though the increase is not too high the maximum only reaches 4%.This result is certainly important enough to be used in making better public transport routes.


optimal route; genetic algorithm; occupancy; kriging;

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TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
ISSN: 1693-6930, e-ISSN: 2302-9293
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