IoT: smart garbage monitoring using android and real time database

Riyan Hadi Putra, Feri Teja Kusuma, Tri Nopiani Damayanti, Dadan Nur Ramadan


Every single day, garbage is always produced and sometimes, due to the unbalance between high volume produced and the garbage volume transported to the landfill; it then leads to the buildup. To prevent any negative impact on environment, a system is needed to support the waste management process. Smart Garbage Monitoring System consists of two parts: portable garbage can and monitoring application using android smartphone. The use of ultrasonic sensor, GPS and GSM Module on the garbage can aims to provide the data on the garbage and send it to the real time database, in which the data will be processed by the monitoring application on smartphone to determine the time of garbage transport purposely to prevent any buildup. The system doesn't need a server to process, because the entire process of will be run by android application on a smartphone. Test results showed the capability of the system in monitoring the garbage can with the minimum distance between the wastes by three meters. The information on the height level of garbage can be synchronized in real time to smartphone, with an average delay on the EDGE network of 4.57 seconds, HSPA+ of 4.52 seconds and LTE of 3.85 seconds.


garbage; monitoring system; real time database;

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TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
ISSN: 1693-6930, e-ISSN: 2302-9293
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