Spatial association discovery process using frequent subgraph mining

Giovanni Daián Rottoli, Hernán Merlino


Spatial associations are one of the most relevant kinds of patterns used by business intelligence regarding spatial data. Due to the characteristics of this particular type of information, different approaches have been proposed for spatial association mining. This wide variety of methods has entailed the need for a process to integrate the activities for association discovery, one that is easy to implement and flexible enough to be adapted to any particular situation, particularly for small and medium-size projects to guide the useful pattern discovery process. Thus, this work proposes an adaptable knowledge discovery process that uses graph theory to model different spatial relationships from multiple scenarios, and frequent subgraph mining to discover spatial associations. A proof of concept is presented using real data.


frequent subgraph mining; SARM; spatial association mining; spatial data mining; spatial knowledge discovery

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TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
ISSN: 1693-6930, e-ISSN: 2302-9293
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