WSN nodes power consumption using multihop routing protocol for illegal cutting forest

Giva Andriana Mutiara, Nanna Suryana, Othman Mohd


The need for an automation system from a remote area cannot be separated from the role of the wireless sensor network. However, the battery consumption is still a problem that influences the lifetime of the system. This research focused on studying how to characterize the power consumption on each sensor node using multihop routing protocol in the illegal logging field, to get the prediction lifetime of the network. The system is designed by using six sensor nodes in a master-slave connection and implemented in a tree topology. Each sensor node is consisting of a sound sensor, vibration sensor, Xbee communication, current and voltage sensor, and Arduino nano. The system is tested using battery 10050 mAH with several scenarios to have calculated how long the battery lifetime can be predicted. The results stated that the master node on the network depleted the power of the battery faster than the slave node since the more slaves connected to the master, the more energy the battery consumes.


energy efficient; illegal cutting tree; multihop routing protocol; sensor node; wireless sensor network;

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TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
ISSN: 1693-6930, e-ISSN: 2302-9293
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