Comparison of search algorithms in Javanese-Indonesian dictionary application

Yana Aditia Gerhana, Nur Lukman, Arief Fatchul Huda, Cecep Nurul Alam, Undang Syaripudin, Devi Novitasari


This study aims to compare the performance of Boyer-Moore, Knuth morris pratt, and Horspool algorithms in searching for the meaning of words in the Java-Indonesian dictionary search application in terms of accuracy and processing time. Performance Testing is used to test the performance of algorithm implementations in applications. The test results show that the Boyer Moore and Knuth Morris Pratt algorithms have an accuracy rate of 100%, and the Horspool algorithm 85.3%. While the processing time, Knuth Morris Pratt algorithm has the highest average speed level of 25ms, Horspool 39.9 ms, while the average speed of the Boyer Moore algorithm is 44.2 ms. While the complexity test results, the Boyer Moore algorithm has an overall number of n 26n2, Knuth Morris Pratt and Horspool 20n2 each.


Boyer-Moore; complexity text mining; Horspool; Knuth Morris Pratt; performace; searching;

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TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
ISSN: 1693-6930, e-ISSN: 2302-9293
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