Improved fuzzy miner algorithm for business process discovery

Yutika Amelia Effendi, Riyanarto Sarno, Danica Virlianda Marsha


Return material authorization (RMA) is a process in which a company decides to repair or replace customer’s defect product during the warranty period. To execute RMA, both company and customer obliged to follow standard operating procedure (SOP) which usually consists of many business processes of a company well. As the business process could cause inefficiencies, a company should improve their business process regularly. The best way is using process discovery. This research proposes a new improved fuzzy miner algorithm to represent binary correlation between activities. This new algorithm utilizes binary significance and binary correlation equally to acquire fuzzy model. While the original fuzzy miner algorithm uses various binary correlation metrics, the improved fuzzy miner algorithm uses only one metric and could capture the fuzzy model, accurately based on the event logs to capture more accurate business process model. In this research, ProM fuzzy miner is used as a comparison to the proposed improved time-based fuzzy miner. The results showed that the improved algorithm has higher value on conformance checking and able to capture business process model based on time interval, by using only time-interval significance as a binary correlation metrics.


business process model; fuzzy miner; process discovery; process mining; time-based algorithm;

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TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
ISSN: 1693-6930, e-ISSN: 2302-9293
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