Classification of EEG signals for facial expression and motor execution with deep learning

Areej Hameed Al-Anbary, Salih Mahdi Al-Qaraawi


Recently, algorithms of machine learning are widely used with the field of electroencephalography (EEG) brain-computer interfaces (BCI). The preprocessing stage for the EEG signals is performed by applying the principle component analysis (PCA) algorithm to extract the important features and reducing the data redundancy. A model for classifying EEG, time series, signals for facial expression and some motor execution processes had been designed. A neural network of three hidden layers with deep learning classifier had been used in this work. Data of four different subjects were collected by using a 14 channels Emotiv EPOC+ device. EEG dataset samples including ten action classes for the facial expression and some motor execution movements are recorded. A classification results with accuracy range (91.25-95.75%) for the collected samples were obtained with respect to: number of samples for each class, total number of EEG dataset samples and type of activation function within the hidden and the output layer neurons. A time series EEG signal was taken as signal values not as image or histogram, analysed and classified with deep learning to obtain the satisfied results of accuracy.


BCI; deep learning; EEG; nueral network; PCA;

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TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
ISSN: 1693-6930, e-ISSN: 2302-9293
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