Electroencephalography-based wheelchair navigation control using convolutional neural network method

Khairul Anam, Satrio Marta Wicaksono, Muchamad Arif Hana Sasono, Bima Wahyu Maulana, Fatkhul Mubarok, Ananta Pinsentius Rahmat Pamungkas, Moch. Rijal Fatoni


Artificial intelligence refers to a computer-based system capable of learning human activities. For instance, in medical technology, AI can be used for a thought-controlled wheelchair. This study discusses the use of deep learning, specifically convolutional neural network (CNN), in predictiong of the user intention to navigate a wheelchair. The training data was collected from an EEG sensor and included the wheelchair’s movements - turning right, turning left, moving forward, moving backward, and idle. The signals were then sampled and feature-extracted using root mean square (RMS). In CNN classification, both raw and RMS data were used. This study compared two different CNN architectures. The first architecture has three convolutional layers and three pooling layers, while the second has two of each. The research compares the accuracy and loss values of CNN predictions using architecture 1 and 2 on both raw and RMS data. The experimental results indicate that when using raw data, the first CNN architecture achieved an accuracy of 85.12%, and the second model achieved 91.04%. However, when using RMS data, the first architecture achieved an accuracy of 76.47%, and the second achieved 73.74%. The study concludes that the movement of the wheelchair is better in real-time when using raw data compared to using RMS data.


classification; convolutional neural network; deep learning; electroencephalograph; wheelchair;

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DOI: http://doi.org/10.12928/telkomnika.v23i1.25988


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TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
ISSN: 1693-6930, e-ISSN: 2302-9293
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