Fire detection and surveillance system with cloud-based alert to enhance safety in commercials and home

Siddharth Swami, Rajesh Singh, Anita Gehlot, Jasvinder Kaur, Deepti Sharma, Sameer Dev Sharma, Devendra Singh


This study presents a comprehensive internet of things (IoT) solution for improving home automation and fire safety. It describes the design and construction of an all-inclusive house fire extinguishing system using an ESP8266 microcontroller to supply water, detect fires in real time, and monitor them remotely. The IoT fire safety system is currently under investigation for its potential to prevent fires. The system includes a servo motor for precise water distribution, an ESP8266 microcontroller for smooth performance and networking, a water pump for timely fire suppression, and a fire sensor for detecting heat and flames. The system architecture, software integration, and hardware parts are detailed. Field testing has shown that fire detection and suppression systems can effectively detect fires, reducing risks and damages associated with fires. The discussion section discusses the pros and cons of the recommended strategy, implications for home fire safety and automation, and areas for further research and development. The IoT-based domestic fire extinguishing system combines modern technologies with quick response time, real-time monitoring, and fast action capacity, addressing the urgent need for increased home fire safety measures.


automation; fire detection; home safety; internet of things; water pump;

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TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
ISSN: 1693-6930, e-ISSN: 2302-9293
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