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Doghmane, Noureddine, Badji Mokhtar University
Doghmane, Noureddine, Badji Mokhtar-Annaba University BP 12
Doheir, Mohamed A. S., University Geomatica
Doherty, Jonathan, Ulster University
Doisy, Michel, Signal and Communications Group, ENSEEIHT
Doisy, Michel, ENSEEIHT
Dolecek, Gordana Jovanovic, National Institute of Astrophysics
Dominic, Dhanapal Durai, University Technology Petronas
Donatien, Njomo, University of Yaoundé I
Dong, Chau Si Thien, Ton Duc Thang University
Dong, Chau Si Thien, Ton Duc Thang University
Dong, Haiying, Lanzhou Jiaotong University
Dong, Jia-Rui, Hohai University
Dong, Shi, Southeast University
Dong, Wei, Anhui Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Dongmei, Wang, Northeast Petroleum University
Dongya, Xiao, Changchun University of Science and Technology
Dorrah, Hassen T., Cairo University
Doss, Robin, Deakin University
Dosse, Saad Bennani, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University
Doucet, A., La Rochelle Universite
Douglas, Amoke Amobi, University of Nigeria
Douglas, Mandy, Institute of Technology Letterkenny
Douik, Ali, University of Sousse
Douiri, Moulay Rachid, Mohammadia Engineering School

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