Application of EMG and Force Signals of Elbow Joint on Robot-assisted Arm Training

Riky Tri Yunardi, Eva Inaiyah Agustin, Risalatul Latifah, Winarno Winarno


Flexion-extension based on the system's robotic arm has the potential to increase the patient's elbow joint movement. The force sensor and electromyography signals can support the biomechanical system to detect electrical signals generated by the muscles of the biological. The purpose of this study is to implement the design of force sensor and EMG signals application on the elbow flexion motion of the upper arm. In this experiments, the movements of flexion at an angle of 45º, 90º and 135º is applied to identify the relationship between the amplitude of the EMG and force signals on every angle. The contribution of this research is for supporting the development of the Robot-Assisted Arm Training. The correlation between the force signal and the EMG signal from the subject studied in the elbow joint motion tests. The application of sensors tested by an experimental on healthy subjects to simulating arm movement. The experimental results show the relationship between the amplitude of the EMG and force signals on flexion angle of the joint mechanism for monitoring the angular displacement of the robotic arm. Further developments in the design of force sensor and EMG signals are potentially for open the way for the next researches based on the physiological condition of each patient.


elbow joint; EMG; force sensor; joint angular; robot-assisted arm training;

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TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
ISSN: 1693-6930, e-ISSN: 2302-9293
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