Image processing analysis of sigmoidal Hadamard wavelet with PCA to detect hidden object

Ammar Wisam Altaher, Sabah Khudhair Abbas


Innovative tactics are employed by terrorists to conceal weapons and explosives to perpetrate violent attacks, accounting for the deaths of millions of lives every year and contributing to huge economic losses to the global society. Achieving a high threat detection rate during an inspection of crowds to recognize and detect threat elements from a secure distance is the motivation for the development of intelligent image data analysis from a machine learning perspective. A method proposed to reduce the image dimensions with support vector, linearity and orthogonal. The functionality of CWD is contingent upon the plenary characterization of fusion data from multiple image sensors. The proposed method combines multiple sensors by hybrid fusion of sigmoidal Hadamard wavelet transform and PCA basis functions. Weapon recognition and the detection system, using Image segmentation and K means support vector machine A classifier is an autonomous process for the recognition of threat weapons regardless of make, variety, shape, or position on the suspect’s body despite concealment.


concealed weapon detection; IR image; principle component analysis; sigmoidal hadamard; support vocter machine;

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TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
ISSN: 1693-6930, e-ISSN: 2302-9293
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