Hand gesture recognition using discrete wavelet transform and hidden Markov models

Erizka Banuwati Candrasari, Ledya Novamizanti, Suci Aulia


Gesture recognition based on computer-vision is an important part of human-computer interaction. But it lacks in several points, that was image brightness, recognition time, and accuracy. Because of that goal of this research was to create a hand gesture recognition system that had good performances using discrete wavelet transform and hidden Markov models. The first process was pre-processing, which done by resizing the image to 128x128 pixels and then segmented the skin color. The second process was feature extraction using the discrete wavelet transform. The result was the feature value in the form of a feature vector from the image. The last process was gesture classification using hidden Markov models to calculate the highest probability of feature matrix which had obtained from the feature extraction process. The result of the system had 72% of accuracy using 150 training and 100 test data images that consist five gestures. The newness thing found in this experiment were the effect of acquisition and pre-processing. The accuracy had been escalated by 14% compared to Sebastien’s dataset at 58%. The increment effect propped by brightness and contrast value.


discrete wavelet transform; hand gesture; recognition;

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DOI: http://doi.org/10.12928/telkomnika.v18i5.13725


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