Secure and reliable wireless advertising system using intellectual characteristic selection algorithm for smart cities

Yousra Abdul Alsahib S. Aldeen, Haider Mohammed Abdulhadi


Smart cities wireless advertising (smart mobile-AD) filed is one of the well-known area of research where smart devices using mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) platform for advertisement and marketing purposes. Wireless advertising through multiple fusion internet of things (IoT) sensors is one of the important field where the sensors combines multiple sensors information and accomplish the control of self-governing intelligent machines for smart cities advertising framework. With many advantages, this field has suffered with data security. In order to tackle security threats, intrusion detection system (IDS) is adopted. However, the existing IDS system are not able to fulfill the security requirements. This paper proposes an intellectual characteristic selection algorithm (ICSA) integrated with normalized intelligent genetic algorithm-based min-max feature selection (NIGA-MFS). The proposed solution designs for wireless advertising system for business/advertising data security and other transactions using independent reconfigurable architecture. This approach supports the wireless advertising portals to manage the data delivery by using 4G standard. The proposed reconfigurable architecture is validated by using applications specific to microcontrollers with multiple fusion IoT sensors.


internet of things; intrusion detection system; mobile ad-hoc networks; multiple fusion sensors; wireless advertising;

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TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
ISSN: 1693-6930, e-ISSN: 2302-9293
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