User stories collection via interactive chatbot to support requirements gathering

Ferliana Dwitama, Andre Rusli


Nowadays, software products have become an essential part of human life. To build software, developers must have a good understanding of the requirements of the software. However, software developers tend to jumpstart system construction without having a clear and detailed understanding of the requirements. The user story concept is one of the practices of the requirements elicitation. This paper aims to present the work conducted to develop an Android chatbot application to support the requirements elicitation activity in software engineering, making the work less time-consuming and structured even for users not accustomed to requirements engineering. The chatbot uses Nazief & Adriani stemming algorithm to pre-process the natural language it receives from the users and artificial mark-up language (AIML) as the knowledge base to process the bot’s responses. A preliminary acceptance test based on the technology acceptance model results in an 83.03% score for users’ behavioral intention to use.


AIML; chatbot; Nazief & Adriani algorithm; requirements elicitation; user stories;

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TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
ISSN: 1693-6930, e-ISSN: 2302-9293
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