Blockchain-based framework for secure and reliable land registry system

Mohammed Shuaib, Salwani Mohd Daud, Shadab Alam, Wazir Zada Khan


The land registry system is one of the very important department in any governance system that stores the records of land ownership. There are various issues and loopholes in the existing system that give rise to corruption and disputes. This requires a significant chunk of valuable government resources from judiciary and law enforcement agencies in settling these issues. Blockchain technology has the potential to counter these loopholes and sort out the issues related with land registry system like tempering of records, trading of the same piece of land to more than one buyer. In this paper, a secure and reliable framework for land registry system using Blockchain has been proposed. The proposed framework uses the concept of smart contract at various stages of the land registry and gives an algorithm for pre-agreement. First, we describe the conventional land registry system and reviews the issues in it. Then, we outline the potential benefits of employing Blockchain technology in the land registry system and presented a framework. Finally, a number of case studies are presented.


blockchain; land registry; security; smart contract

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TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
ISSN: 1693-6930, e-ISSN: 2302-9293
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