Support vector machine based discrete wavelet transform for magnetic resonance imaging brain tumor classification

Ajib Susanto, Christy Atika Sari, Hidayah Rahmalan, Mohamed A. S. Doheir


Here, a brain tumor classification method using the support vector machine (SVM) algorithm by utilizing discrete wavelet transform (DWT) transformation and feature extraction of gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) and local binary pattern (LBP) has been implemented using the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) image belong to the low-grade glioma (LGG) or high-grade glioma (HGG) group. SVM algorithm used as a classification method has been widely used in research that raises the topic of classification. Through the formation of a hyperplane between 2 data classes, the SVM algorithm can be said to be a reliable method but does not require complicated computations. The DWT transformation is intended to provide clearer feature details from the MRI image, so that when the feature extraction algorithm is applied, it is expected that the extracted features will differ between benign tumor MRI images and malignant tumor MRI images. In 1 level DWT using high-low (HL) sub-band yield the highest specificity, sensitivity, and accuracy than using 3 levels using HL or low-high (LH) sub-band in LGG MRI image.Compared with another research, our proposed method is slightly better in terms of accuracy to classify the brain tumor image with achieved the accuracy of 98.6486%.


discrete wavelet transform; image classification; MRI image; support vector machine;

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TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
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