Confidence of AOI-HEP Mining Pattern

Harco Leslie Hendric Spits Warnars, Agung Trisetyarso, Richard Randriatoamanana


Attribute Oriented Induction High level Emerging Pattern (AOI-HEP) has been proven can mine frequent and similar patterns and the finding AOI-HEP patterns will be underlined with confidence mining pattern for each AOI-HEP pattern either frequent or similar pattern, and each dataset as confidence AOI-HEP pattern between frequent and similar patterns. Confidence per AOI-HEP pattern will show how interested each of AOI-HEP pattern, whilst confidende per dataset will show how interested each dataset between frequent and similar patterns. The experiments for finding confidence of each AOI-HEP pattern showed that AOI-HEP pattern with growthrate under and above 1 will be recognized as uninterested and interested AOI-HEP mining pattern since having confidence AOI-HEP mining pattern under and above 50% respectively. Furthermore, the uniterested AOI-HEP mining pattern which usually found in AOI-HEP similar pattern, can be switched to interested AOI-HEP mining pattern by switching their support positive and negative value scores.


data mining; AOI-HEP mining pattern; confidence similar pattern; confidence frequent pattern; confidence pattern;

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TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
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