Contradictory of the Laplacian Smoothing Transform and Linear Discriminant Analysis Modeling to Extract the Face Image Features

Arif Muntasa, Indah Agustien Siradjuddin


Laplacian smoothing transform uses the negative diagonal element to generate the new space. The negative diagonal elements will deliver the negative new spaces. The negative new spaces will cause decreasing of the dominant characteristics. Laplacian smoothing transform usually singular matrix, such that the matrix cannot be solved to obtain the ordered-eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors. In this research, we propose a modeling to generate the positive diagonal elements to obtain the positive new spaces. The secondly, we propose approach to overcome singularity matrix to found eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Firstly, the method is started to calculate contradictory of the laplacian smoothing matrix. Secondly, we calculate the new space modeling on the contradictory of the laplacian smoothing. Moreover, we calculate eigenvectors of the discriminant analysis. Fourth, we calculate the new space modeling on the discriminant analysis, select and merge features. The proposed method has been tested by using four databases, i.e. ORL, YALE, UoB, and local database (CAI-UTM). Overall, the results indicate that the proposed method can overcome two problems and deliver higher accuracy than similar methods.



feature extraction, face image, contradictory, and laplacian transform

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TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
ISSN: 1693-6930, e-ISSN: 2302-9293
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