Efficient Kernel-based Two-Dimensional Principal Component Analysis for Smile Stages Recognition
Recently, an approach called two-dimensional principal component analysis (2DPCA) has been proposed for smile stages representation and recognition. The essence of 2DPCA is that it computes the eigenvectors of the so-called image covariance matrix without matrix-to-vector conversion so the size of the image covariance matrix are much smaller, easier to evaluate covariance matrix, computation cost is reduced and the performance is also improved than traditional PCA. In an effort to improve and perfect the performance of smile stages recognition, in this paper, we propose efficient Kernel based 2DPCA concepts. The Kernelization of 2DPCA can be benefit to develop the nonlinear structures in the input data. This paper discusses comparison of standard Kernel based 2DPCA and efficient Kernel based 2DPCA for smile stages recognition. The results of experiments show that Kernel based 2DPCA achieve better performance in comparison with the other approaches. While the use of efficient Kernel based 2DPCA can speed up the training procedure of standard Kernel based 2DPCA thus the algorithm can achieve much more computational efficiency and remarkably save the memory consuming compared to the standard Kernel based 2DPCA.
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DOI: http://doi.org/10.12928/telkomnika.v10i1.766
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