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Zhao, Xiang, Beijing Jiaotong University
Zhao, Xiaofeng, Heilongjiang University
Zhao, Xinlei, Capital Normal University
Zhao, Xuan, University of Science and Technology Beijing
Zhao, Xuan, University of Science & Technology Beijing
Zhao, Yanan, North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power
Zhao, Yongjiu, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Zhao, Yue, Yunnan University
Zhao, Zhihua, School of Information Science and Technology, Northwest University, Xi’an 710127
Zhao, Zhihua, Northwest University
Zhao, Zhonglong, Xiamen University
Zhaoxia, Li, Harbin University of Science and Technology
Zhe, Tian, University of Southampton
Zhe Zhang, Zhe Zhang, University of Science & Technology
Zheng, Fang, Huazhong Agriclutural University
Zheng, Fang, Huazhong Agricultural University
Zheng, Jianmin, Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
Zheng, Ke, School of Computer and Information Engineering, Nanyang Institute of Technology
Zheng, Shuyang, University of Science and Technology Beijing
Zheng, Wei, Hebei North University
Zheng, Weikun, Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology
Zheng, Xianfeng, Henan Mechanical and Electrical Engineering College
Zheng, Xuedong, Dalian university
Zheng, Ying, Tongji University
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TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
ISSN: 1693-6930, e-ISSN: 2302-9293
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, 4th Campus
Jl. Ringroad Selatan, Kragilan, Tamanan, Banguntapan, Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55191
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