Human–robot collaboration with mixed reality for interactive and safe workspaces

Sanghun Nam


Realizing seamless collaboration between humans and robots in shared workspaces requires advanced systems that can ensure safety and efficiency while considering the inherent unpredictability of human movement. This paper proposes a system that integrates mixed reality (MR) and robotics through a unified coordinate system to facilitate real-time interaction and collaboration. By leveraging a MR interface, human collaborators can visualize and interact with the projected paths of the robotic arms, thereby enhancing both spatial awareness and task coordination. The proposed system adapts the robot’s movement path dynamically using the Voronoi diagram algorithm to modify trajectories in response to the detection of a human hand within a predefined caution zone. This mechanism reduces the risk of collisions, which ensures safer collaborative environments. The proposed system’s ability to exchange motion information between the operator and the robot supports real-time adjustments and promotes an intuitive and efficient collaborative experience. Our findings suggest that integrating MR technology in human–robot collaboration systems can improve safety protocols and operational fluidity dramatically, thereby representing a significant step forward in the development of safe, efficient, and effective interactive robot systems.


human–robot collaboration; mixed reality; real-time interaction; spatial path; Voronoi algorithm;

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TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
ISSN: 1693-6930, e-ISSN: 2302-9293
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